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Du führst eigenverantwortlich Kundenprojekte (als Projekt- oder Programmleiter) mit einem Team von Plutoneo Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter beim Kunden. Du übernimmst erste Sales-Verantwortung für Dich und Dein Team.

Senior Manager

Du übernimmst große Kundenprojekte (als Multiprojektmanager oder Programmleiter) mit einem Team von Plutoneo Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter beim Kunden. Du führst und gestaltest Dein Kundenaccount eigenverantwortlich. Du stehst für ein Thema welches in Dir brennt und weiterentwickelt werden möchte.

Tokenization in Europe — Current state and future outlook

Consulting Wertpapiergeschäft

For the full article, click here. TL;DR The market for digital assets today: 55 million crypto currency users (~7,5% of the European population) 40% of global crypto currency users come from Europe 25% of the global market capitalization in crypto currencies held by Europeans Security token market is still in its early days with major […]

The first regulated marketplace for tokenized assets goes live in Switzerland


The first regulated marketplace for tokenized assets goes live in Switzerland on May 10. Users of the platform run by Taurus SA will be able to trade multiple asset classes ranging from tokenized shares and real estate to artworks. We are pleased to have contributed to the article of Alex Wehnert for Börsen-Zeitung with our […]

Crypto Custody – A Diverse Ecosystem for Digital Assets


Within a few years, a diverse ecosystem of crypto custodians with different technological approaches has been established (cold storage, warm/HSM-based storage, and multi-party computation). Interestingly, the solutions, which are technically quite different, all have their raison d’être. The heterogeneous needs of market participants can be an explanation for this. While some companies, for example, may […]